Executable Scenario Management


The ExSce Management is an approach to store, query and generate test scenarios for ROS-based multi-robot systems. Provenance data about test scenarios and their executions is modeled using PROV and stored on a property graph. Runtime information is obtained from recorded bag files. Metamorphic testing is used to generate new scenarios and validate the system's requirements.

View the Project on GitHub hbrs-sesame/exsce_management



Create a new Neo4j database:

How to create a Neo4j database v. 4.4.5

  1. On Neo4j Desktop, click on Add and choose Local DBMS.
  2. Give the database a name and choose a password.
  3. On the version dropdown, choose v. 4.4.5 (This is the version compatible with the prov libraries installed above).
  4. Click Create

To start the database, hover over the new database you created and click Start:

How to start the Neo4j database in Neo4j Desktop