

Metamodels and associated toolings for applying Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) to test robotic scenarios.

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Tutorial: Modelling and Generating Gherkin features for A Simple Pickup task

This tutorial will first showcase how concepts from our metamodels can be used to model acceptance criteria of a simple pickup task as Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) scenarios, as well as how variations of such scenarios can be introduced in the model. An example is then presented to show how to transform this model into a Gherkin feature for integration with appropriate BDD toolchains, e.g. behave1 for the Python language.

Example: BDD Scenario for a Robotic Pickup Task

Consider a simple robotic pickup task, where a robot must pick an object from a surface. A typical BDD scenario for such a task, when realized in the Gherkin format, may look something as follows:

Scenario: pickup scenario
  Given an object is located on the table
  When the robot starts picking
  Then the object is held by the robot

In robotics, even such a simple task can vary in many dimensions: the objects to be picked up, the operational space in which the task take place, the robotic systems that carry out the task, or the mechanisms available for verifying the different BDD clauses. While some mechanisms are available in Gherkin to deal with variations of scenarios, applying existing BDD approaches like Gherkin directly to robotic scenarios remains challenging. These challenges are discussed in more details in our workshop paper 2. The rest of this tutorial will present the process of composing a scenario template for such a pickup task, as well as how to introduce variations to the template for concrete scenarios. Finally, we will show how Gherkin feature files similar to the snippet above can be generated from the scenario variant model using our library.

Specifying BDD Acceptance Criteria for A Pickup Task

BDD Template and Variant Example
Figure 1: Partial example of a BDD scenario template and variant for the pickup task.

As mentioned in the description of our metamodels, our models are graphs represented using the JSON-LD schema. Figure 1 shows part of such a graph, which consists of a BDD scenario template and corresponding variants for a simple pickup task. The motivation for this template-variant design is discussed in more details on the documentation of our metamodels. Complete JSON-LD models for the scenario template and variant, along with their generated visualization are publicly available for download. The rest of this section will walk through the process of composing these models from our metamodels.

Specifying Scenario Templates

First, we define the skeleton of the BDD scenario for the pickup task: a bdd:Scenario having composition relation to exactly one instance of bdd:GivenClause, bdd:WhenClause, and bdd:ThenClause.

{ "@id": "pick-given", "@type": "bdd:GivenClause" },
{ "@id": "pick-when", "@type": "bdd:WhenClause" },
{ "@id": "pick-then", "@type": "bdd:ThenClause" },
    "@id": "scenario-pick", "@type": "bdd:Scenario",
    "bdd:given": "pick-given",
    "bdd:when": "pick-when",
    "bdd:then": "pick-then"

Next, we define bdd:ScenarioVariable instances, which are points of variation of the scenario template. Here, we may change the object, workspace, and agent in different variants of the pickup scenario.

    "@id": "pick-object", "@type": "bdd:ScenarioVariable",
    "bdd:of-scenario": [ "scenario-pick" ]
    "@id": "pick-workspace", "@type": "bdd:ScenarioVariable",
    "bdd:of-scenario": [ "scenario-pick" ]
    "@id": "pick-robot", "@type": "bdd:ScenarioVariable",
    "bdd:of-scenario": [ "scenario-pick" ]

Having defined the variables, we can now create bdd:FluentClause instances and attach them to pick-given and pick-then using the bdd:clause-of relation to extend scenario-pick with concrete clauses. Here, we have made a choice to represent BDD clauses as fluents, i.e. time-dependent predicates. The composable design allows us to make this choice without limiting our metamodel to this single representation. Other representations of BDD clauses can still be attached to pick-given and pick-then using the bdd:clause-of relation. More details on composable design can be found on the corresponding discussion on our kinematic chain modelling tutorial. Furthermore, the bdd:clause-of relation can be used to attach any clauses to pick-given and pick-then, allowing extending scenario-pick with any number of use-case specific clauses.

{ "@id": "pred-obj-held-by-robot", "@type": "bdd:IsHeldPredicate" },
{ "@id": "after-pick", "@type": "bdd:TimeConstraint" },
    "@id": "fluent-obj-held-by-robot",
    "@type": "bdd:FluentClause",
    "bdd:clause-of": [ "pick-then" ],
    "bdd:predicate": "pred-obj-held-by-robot",
    "bdd:time-constraint": "after-pick",
    "bdd:ref-object": "pick-object",
    "bdd:ref-agent": "pick-robot"

In the example above, we define fluent-obj-held-by-robot, which asserts that the object is held by the robot at the end of the picking behaviour. This bdd:FluentClause instance is a composition linking to several elements in the template:

The use of bdd:IsHeldPredicate implies a constraint that the subjects of pred-obj-held-by-robot must represent objects and agents in the scenario. Here, the use of bdd:ref-object and bdd:ref-agent indicates that pick-object is the object and pick-robot is the agent in this context.

Additionally, the model at this point contains no assumption about how the fact that a robot is holding an object can be verified. Further transformations and/or generations can be introduced to produce concrete, executable implementations for verification.

Specifying A Concrete Scenario Variant

The BDD scenario template defined above can now be extended with concrete variations, e.g. for generating concrete Gherkin feature files as shown in the next section. This is done via linking the bdd:ScenarioVariable instances above to concrete instances of objects, workspaces and agents. For example, consider the use case where we want to test the pickup behaviour in the robotics lab at Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University using battery cells sent from AVL (An use case partner of the SESAME project), as well as some objects readily available in the lab.

Specifying Concrete Agents, Environment, and Coordination Models

We first need concrete models of the objects, workspaces, and agents that we may test with:

{ "@id": "bottle", "@type": "env:Object" },
{ "@id": "pouch1", "@type": [ "bdd:Object", "avl:PouchCell" ] },
{ "@id": "cylindrical1", "@type": [ "bdd:Object", "avl:PrismaticCell" ] },
{ "@id": "dining-table-ws", "@type": "env:Workspace" },
{ "@id": "kinova1", "@type": [ "agn:Agent", "kinova:gen3-robots" ] },
{ "@id": "kinova2", "@type": [ "agn:Agent", "kinova:gen3-robots" ] }

We also need a coordination model which defines the event that denotes the start of the pickup behaviour, which we can associate with pickup-when.

{ "@id": "pickup-start", "@type": "evt:Event" }

Specifying Variations

Using the task:Variation concept, we can associate the bdd:ScenarioVariable instances above with possible entities via the task:can-be relation:

    "@id": "obj-variation", "@type": "task:Variation",
    "bdd:of-variable": "pick-object",
    "task:can-be": [ "bottle", "pouch1", "cylindrical1" ]
    "@id": "ws-variation", "@type": "task:Variation",
    "bdd:of-variable": "pick-workspace",
    "task:can-be": [ "dining-table-ws" ]
    "@id": "robot-variation", "@type": "task:Variation",
    "bdd:of-variable": "pick-robot",
    "task:can-be": [ "kinova1", "kinova2" ]

The pick-when can be associated with the concrete event pickup-start.

    "@id": "pick-when-event", "@type": "bdd:WhenEvent",
    "bdd:of-clause": "pick-when", "evt:has-event": "pickup-start"

We can now define variant scenario-pick-brsu as a composition of the task:Variation instances, and user story us-obj-transport as a composition of scenario variants, one of which is scenario-pick-brsu.

    "@id": "scenario-pick-brsu", "@type": "bdd:ScenarioVariant",
    "of-scenario": "scenario-pick",
    "task:has-variation": [
        "obj-variation", "ws-variation", "robot-variation"

    "@id": "us-obj-transport", "@type": "bdd:UserStory",
    "bdd:has-criteria": [ "scenario-pick-brsu" ]

bdd-dsl provide the load_metamodels utility method for initializing a rdflib.Graph object with our metamodels. Models can then be loaded to the graph with the parse method:

from bdd_dsl.utils.json import load_metamodels

g = load_metamodels()
g.parse("path/to/model.json", format="json-ld")

Generating Gherkin Features from BDD Models

After creating scenario variants and templates, we can transform these models into other formats for use with existing tools. For example, from our BDD user stories, we can generate Gherkin feature files which has wide support for test automation in most programming languages, e.g. behave library in Python. In the following example, we use the Jinja template engine for the final text generation step.

Extracting Relevant Information and Transforming BDD Models

Extracting the relevant information from a rdflib.Graph object can be done with SPARQL queries. Additionally, JSON-LD Framing can force a specific tree layout to the graph structure of the model, which can be easier to generate to text targets, as will be shown.

bdd-dsl provides several utilities for querying and framing models composed using our metamodels. The following example shows how BDD user stories akin to the example above can be transformed using the library’s Python API:

from pyld import jsonld
from bdd_dsl.models.queries import BDD_QUERY
from bdd_dsl.models.frames import BDD_FRAME
from bdd_dsl.utils.json import query_graph, process_bdd_us_from_graph

bdd_result = query_graph(g, BDD_QUERY)
model_framed = jsonld.frame(bdd_result, BDD_FRAME)

# alternatively, there's also an utility function that executes the above
# as well as doing some further cleanup of the result
cleaned_bdd_data = process_bdd_us_from_graph(g)

The code snippet above should produce the following JSON when run on the above model:

"data": [{
  "name": "us-obj-transport",
  "criteria": [{
    "name": "scenario-pick-brsu",
    "scenario": {
      "name": "scenario-pick",
      "then": {
        "clauses": {
            "name": "fluent-obj-held-by-robot",
            "agents": { "name": "pick-robot" },
            "objects": {"name": "pick-object"}
      "when": {
        "name": "pick-when",
        "trans:has-event": { "name": "pickup-start" }
    "variations": [
        "name": "obj-variation",
        "entities": [
          {"name": "bottle"}, {"name": "pouch1"}, {"name": "cylindrical1"}
        "trans:of-variable": {"name": "pick-object"}

Generating from Jinja Templates

The extracted and transformed JSON data can then be used to automatically render feature files using Jinja with the template below:

Feature: {{ }}
{% for scenario_data in data.criteria %}
  Scenario Outline: {{ }}
    {% for clause in scenario_data.given_clauses %}
    {{ clause|safe }}{% endfor %}

    When "{{ scenario_data.when_event }}"
    {% for clause in scenario_data.then_clauses %}
    {{ clause|safe }}{% endfor %}

    |{% for var_name in scenario_data.variables %} {{ var_name }} |{% endfor %}
    {% for entity_data in scenario_data.entities %}|{%
      for entity_name in entity_data %} {{ entity_name }} |{% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

The up-to-date version of this template is available online for download. bdd-dsl also provides utilities to further process the transformed data shown above before performing the final text transformation with Jinja. The code snippet below should generate one feature file for each bdd:UserStory instance.

from bdd_dsl.utils.jinja import load_template, prepare_gherkin_feature_data

# load Jinja template
feature_template = load_template("feature.jinja", "/template/directory")

# loop through data transformed using the code snippet in the previous section
for us_data in processed_bdd_data:
  us_name = us_data["name"]
  # the rendered text can be written normally to a file to produce the
  # Gherkin feature
  feature_content = feature_template.render(data=us_data)

The generation result should produce be a valid Gherkin feature file like shown below:

Feature: us-obj-transport

  Scenario Outline: scenario-pick-brsu
    Given "<pick_object>" is located at "<pick_workspace>"
    When "pickup-start"
    Then "<pick_object>" is held by "<pick_robot>"

    | pick_object | pick_workspace | pick_robot |
    | env:brsu/bottle | env:brsu/dining-table | agn:brsu/kinova1 |
    | env:avl/cylindrical1 | env:brsu/dining-table | agn:brsu/kinova2 |

The generated feature files can then be used with existing BDD frameworks, e.g. behave1, for test automation. Currently, the tools necessary to generate executable implements to verify the generated scenarios in simulation are still under development. Once ready, this tutorial will be extended to include usage of these new tools.

Generating Gherkin features files form bdd-dsl scenario templates and variants.

Adding more objects and agents to a template variant and regenerating Gherkin features files.

  1.  2

  2. M. Nguyen, N. Hochgeschwender, S. Wrede, “An analysis of behaviour-driven requirement specification for robotic competitions”, 5th International Workshop on Robotics Software Engineering (RoSE’23), May 2023.